2440 Shell Road, #100, Richmond, BC
You can choose from a wide range of cars while renting one in Vancouver. To get a better understanding of the vast range, take a look at this:
● For renting an Economy category car, you will have to pay around 26 dollars each day.
● For renting a minivan, you will have to pay 28 dollars each day.
● For renting an open-air all-terrain car, you will have to pay 60 dollars each day.
The average speed limit in Vancouver is 50 km/hr. It is the same for any other municipality in all of BC unless it is specifically mentioned.
According to a survey, Ford Escape and Hyundai Sonata have been marked as the most recommended cars for driving on the streets of Vancouver.
The reasons behind the recommendation are given below:
Gas prices in Vancouver are higher than most other less-inhibited states of British Columbia. The current gasoline price is 1.7 Canadian dollars per liter. If contrasted with the price of gas, as set in December 2020, it can be seen that the gas price has gone up by 0.3 Canadian dollars.